


When performing scanning the first objective is to determine which systems of the target network are alive, then the attacker will determine which services are running or listening and also try to determine which version of the operating system is running.

Determining if the system is alive - Ping Sweep

The network ping sweep is an easy and fast operation done to figure out if a given system is alive, without any interest to know which services are open. Several tools can be used and different techniques can be applied depending on the settings.

ARP Scan

If the attacker is somehow within the target organization network ping sweep can be performed with an ARP Scan to determine which systems are alive inside a defined subnet. The tools that can be used are:arp-scan, nmap, cain (Windows only).

ICMP packets scan

If the attacker is not within the network of the target organization ICMP packets, in particular ICMP echo request/response and ICMP timestamp can be used to determine which systems are alive. Tools used in this setting are: ping, nmap, hping3 and superscan.

TCP/UDP scan

Sometimes, however, internal and/or external ICMP is not permitted, so an alternative approach is to use TCP/UDP host discovery. Server have TCP/UDP service ports open, and desktops can accept inbound connection for allowing file sharing services and/or remote desktop. Tools used in this setting are nmap, superscan and nping with proper flags. Note that in this phase of scanning the attacker need only to know if the system is alive.


Intrusion Detection Systems and commercial grade firewalls can detect ICMP, TCP and UDP ping sweeps recognizing a pattern of packets from a particular system or network. Host based tools that can be used to help recognizing a Ping Sweep are: scanlogd, courtney, ippl and protlog, but it's important to know that eyeballs counts: advanced tools are not useful if nobody can recognize that an attack is on going.

Prevention is also important, set up Access Control Lists in firewall limiting ICMP traffic, allow only ECHO_REPLY, HOST_UNREACHABLE and TIME_EXCEEDED into specific hosts in DMZ, because ICMP echo messages can be used to tunnel data by attacker that use Loki2. For a better handling of ICMP packets Pingd is suggested because it moves ICMP packet handling from kernel to user space enabling more control over them.

Determine Which Services are Running or Listening

The next phase of the Scanning process consist on the gathering of informations about the services listening or running on the alive systems. This kind of process is done via the port scanning that leads to the identification of: which TCP/UDP services are running on the target, the type of the OS, and applications or version of a particular service.

The tools used are: nmap with -ON -f -D options to output the result of the command in a human-readable file, fragment packets to pass firewalls and IDS and intermix decoy scans and real scans; or SuperScan.

The attacker, in this phase, exploit in a smart way the functions of the TCP 3-way handshake.

3-way handshake

A legit three way handshake is performed, as the name suggest, in three steps in which three TCP packets are sent (very simple explanation, more details):

  1. tcp packet with the SYN bit setted is sent from the client to the server
  2. server responds with a tcp packet with SYN and ACK bit setted
  3. finally the client responds with a tcp ACK packet.

An attacker can send carefully crafted TCP packet to probe which ports are open on a give service in different ways:

Knowing which ports are open can give useful informations to the attacker, for example, if port \(80\) is open on a given system he can deduct that a Web Server is running on that machine. The same approach can be applied for all the known port numbers.


Tools like snort, scanlogd can be used, and firewalls can be set up in such a way to detect SYN scans. As prevention it's fundamental to disable all unnecessary services and ports.

Detecting the Operating System

An important additional info that an attacker can gather is which operating system is running on target systems. This kind of information is useful for vulnerability mapping and it can be gathered using one of the following techniques:

  1. Banner Grabbing
  2. Scanning Available Ports
  3. Stack Fingerprinting

(1) and (2) can be done passively or actively, (3) can be performed using the informations gathered in the previous step.

Scanning Available Ports

It's possible to guess which operating system is running by examine which ports are open. The attacker will use the informations gathered in the previous step, and analyze it.

In Window OS common opened port are 135, 139, 445 and 3389 used for system's specific services.

In Unix based operating systems common open ports are 22 (SSH), 111 (RPC), 2049 (NFS) and others.

Of course the attacker, using this technique can only make a guess, during Enumeration other techniques can be used to confirm the his hypothesis.

Banner grabbing can be performed in an active or in a passive way. In both cases the attacker will exploit the fact that some application, in their banner tell all the informations regard: vendor, version and operating system. The attacker can actively probe the specific application to grab the banner, or can wait listening on the network trying to intercept a banner that was requested by another host.

Stack Fingerprinting

Stack fingerprinting is a very clever, and interesting way to deduct which Operating System is running on a target machine. Stack Fingerprinting is possible because different vendors implement in different ways the TCP/IP standard creating differences in the header structure and in the behavior of some responses. Sometimes, however, the packets are created directly by applications, and not by the Operating System; for this reason before making an hypothesis a meaningful number of packets has to be analyzed.

Stack Fingerprinting can be active or passive. In the former the attacker will send a request (multiple indeed), and analyze the header of the response basing his decision on the known differences of implementation of each operating system.

Passive Stack Fingerprinting, on the other hand, do not need that the attacker sends requests to the target machine; it's performed to be stealthy to the IDS and to leave less traces as possible. In this setting the attacker will try to capture packets on the network by using port mirroring.

An interesting website to look at is https://www.phrack.org.

Some tools used for the detection of the operating system are: nmmap (with the -O option), and siphon.


Use detection tools like: snort, scanlogd and similar, and prevent this kind of actions by correctly setting proxy and firewalls.